Hey there cupcake!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Graham Cracker Cupcakes take 2...

I'm not sure what happened this week-
I just seemed to end up in the kitchen, and before I knew it, fresh baked 'graham cracker' cupcakes, sat on the counter..
I swear I never decided on baking them..
Coming home last night, from dinner at my Dads, cakes (which I chickened out, on bringing in for dessert) sat on the back seat..
It was past midnight, and I was tired and snacky..

This time I used 1/2 white sugar, and the remaining 1/2 was mostly maple syrup, with a little honey in there too..
I liked the extra body of flavour, this gave the cake.
As it's autumn here, the cakes would be perfect with stewed pears or apples (which are now in abundance)..
And as my Dad passed on some giant organic apples from his farm, I just might do that for dessert tonight..
The rest of the cupcakes are destined for K's work, where they'll be topped with marshmallows and chocolates- for the complete smores experience..
I wanted to send some to my brother & his girlfriend, out of state- marshmallows and chocolates included, for self assembly..
But alas, just to send 2 regulars, & 2 minis is $6.80!
These 'graham cracker' cupcakes are definately a good thing!


At 9:49 AM, Blogger DAISYCAKES said...

The Graham Cracker cupcakes sound sooo yummy! What a great idea, I may try them myself! :-)


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